Protecting our animals

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Nature has given us life. And now we want to destroy nature. In the world of human beings, it is okay to do so. It is okay to explore sophisticated technology and reject to understand the essence of mother nature. We, human beings, have never been in the shoes of animals to a sizeable extent. And if we continue this brutal behaviour towards nature, we are not going to be spared. We are going to face a far more drastic outcome than the recent coronavirus crisis. It is a watershed moment for all of us to wake up and face reality. And the reality is, either we and nature have to co-exist to live beautifully or die like we never existed. We will not be able to take a joyful selfie with greenery or mountains in the background. Who the hell will react a ‘heart’ to your Instagram post, then? We got to start by giving an end to global wildlife consumption immediately. I know that’s not all, but we got to start from somewhere. It would be the first step towards a safer planet for all of us. Amid the novel coronavirus situation, conservation experts insist that not curbing the global wildlife consumption will result in extinction and pandemics. I know we like to think ourselves to be the most potent species, but, honestly, we cannot deal with the drastic outcomes. In many parts of the world, you can see wildlife animals like a stingray, porcupine, or turtle on a menu card. What is more eye-opening is that “these kinds of wild foods are considered something of a luxury,” reports Adam Peyman, the wildlife manager for Humane Society International.